Tuesday, July 29, 2014

4006 Cherry Street in 1964

Here are three photos taken by my father in 1964 at our house on Cherry in Pine Bluff, which we had just moved into early that year.  The area around the house changed a lot over the years we lived in it:  the fence and hedge (not shown) that ran along the front of the front yard next to the sidewalk and street were removed, we built a brick patio in the back of the house, a brick wall bordering the patio on the south side next to the driveway, and in the late seventies, a carport and another driveway on the north side of the house.  Here are a couple of photos of the house as it looked from the south side in the early part of 1964, the first being just after the house was remodeled, lacking even grass in the yard:

And the second one showing the garage and former servant quarters, our two cars, somebody's bicycle, and Steven or me on a different bike at the rightmost edge of the photo:

The third photo, from the summer of '64, shows all five Trulock brothers and our friends who were visiting from Ohio:  Kitty, Emily and Beau Murphree,  Mother and Carolyn (Trimble) Murphree were roommates in college, and in the early 1950s were roommates again or at least friends in New York City when Carolyn met her future husband Idus (grad philosophy student at Columbia), and Mother and Daddy (grad international relations student at Columbia)  got together again after their 1948 divorce. They eventually remarried (1952), and that's how my brothers and me came to be.  In the late fifties and early sixties, our family and the Murphrees vacationed together numerous times at Pensacola Beach.  Which reminds me that I haven't posted any of those Pensacola photos here yet.

Left to right:  Arch, Jeff, Emily, Beau, Greg, Kitty, Steven, David.  I'm not even gonna say anything about this being 50 years ago.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bridges and party barge '72

This is a group of Greg and Arch's friends from their baseball teams (I presume), along with one friend's parents and apparent older sister. Greg is steering the party barge, Arch is in the striped shirt.  My main reason for posting this photo is that it shows the remnant of the old Free Bridge soon after the other half had been dynamited into the river, which was several months after the new bridge that can also be seen opened.  This remnant of the Free Bridge was dynamited into the river on 12 July 1972. The debris was removed from the river pretty quickly, so as not to interfere with barge traffic.  The required minimum depth of the river channel, which is marked by buoys, is nine feet. If sand piles up in the channel it has to be dredged back to nine feet or greater depth, or the channel has to be relocated to a deeper part of the river.  In places the river is shallower than nine feet (not in the channel), in some places deeper. Anyway it wasn't difficult to remove the dynamited skeleton of the Free Bridge from the river.  The bridge was built in 1914--one hundred years ago!  This photo is likely one of the last to show the old Free Bridge before its demolition.  Not including the before-during-and-after photos showing the actual dynamiting that appeared in the local newspapers.  There is currently an effort underway to dredge the navigable portion of the river, from Catoosa, Oklahoma, to the Mississippi River, to a depth of 12 feet so that barges could hold more cargo.  Congress has approved the project, but hasn't authorized funding for it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Trulock Brothers Easter 1972

This is Easter 1972, on the patio at 4006 Cherry Street.  So the photo of Steven and me below that I thought was Easter '72 must be some other Sunday in '72.  Left to right: Steven, Arch, David, Jeff, Greg.  I believe the cocker spaniel is Joe Cocker.  The question would then be, is it Joe Cocker I or Joe Cocker II?  We also had at different times cocker spaniels named  Honey Frost I and Honey Frost II.  The dogs didn't last as long as our cat named Caramel (not pictured) who finally died of old age (about 20 years old, maybe even 22) in the late eighties or early nineties. At the time of the photo, Steven was in the 10th grade, I was in the 12th grade, and Jeff was a freshman at Westminster College. The three of us were soon to wear our hair parted down the middle--Jeff for just a few months, me for about a year, and Steven for a couple of years.  Steve, the singer-songwriter brother, looked good with his hair parted in the middle. Jeff and I didn't. For that matter our hair looks pretty bad at this stage also.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Teresa and me water skiing, 1972

Late May 1972.  Teresa Young and me water skiing at Greer's Ferry lake.  I'm wearing cut-offs of some kind, she's wearing a bikini but not an itsy bitsy one. The company my dad worked for, Dabbs Sullivan & Trulock,  had a house on the lake that we seldom went to.  This trip was just after my high school graduation and just before I went to work for the summer at the Pine Bluff Commercial (newspaper).  Teresa and I broke up during the summer, got back together, and broke up again in late November. I was "away at college" at Hendrix College in Conway (75 miles from Pine Bluff) and didn't have a car that first semester, but had still managed to get back and see her fairly often.  At first we also wrote each other, and sent our letters by airmail until her mother informed us there was no airmail between Conway and Pine Bluff.  We got together again in the early part of '73, but broke up again in only a month. And that was it--well, for the 1970s.  We got together again in 1989, after she'd been divorced several times and Karen Jo and I were in the process of getting a divorce.  I lived in Austin but moved back to Arkansas for about six months in '89, then back to Austin. I saw Teresa on my trips back home, and was in Little Rock the whole summer of 1991, spending most of my free time with her.  After I went back to Austin we kept in contact. Her birthday is July 9, which is also the birthday of her son Jason, who was born in 1976.  She also has a daughter, Brittney, born in April 1980, and a son named John, born in 1987.  Post Script:  I'm sad to report that Teresa died on September 23, 2014.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Another Easter photo of Steven and me

I'm posting this one, which is from the same roll as the Duck Camp (Rogers' reservoir) photo below, because it was taken five years and about 50 feet from where the Easter 1972 photo of Steven and me was taken.  Steven has a somewhat wild look in his eyes here, probably intentionally.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jeff and Arch circa '67

Here's one of Jeff and Arch on a sandbar on the Arkansas River, with the Free Bridge in the background.  I'm posting this so I can show each of my brothers at the same time period as the photos of Steven and Greg in my previous post. This sandbar photo is from the same group of photos as Dad's photos of Arch as the "ring bearer" for the 1966 PBHS Homecoming Queen.  The homecoming celebrations involved a parade down Main Street and a presentation during halftime at the football game. The photos are all stamped with a date of February 1967 on the back, although of course the homecoming football game would have been in the fall of '66.  So this photo might also be fall of '66.