Saturday, July 24, 2021

My Trulock grandmother's home: 305 Martin Place

 It was torn down in the late 1960s, and was vacant in the mid-1960s when I went in it several times, exploring, with my friend Trip Martin, who lived on 15th Avenue, about four blocks away. I didn't know at the time that my Trulock grandmother (1900-1972) grew up in this house.  It was built by Ben J. Altheimer in about 1906, but he moved to Chicago to practice law. Sometime after that, my grandmother's father, Leo M. Andrews, bought it.  I found this photo at the Kehilalinks' Pine Bluff website, along with the one below.  You can barely see Paul Perdue's name in the lower right corner. It was originally posted by him on his Pine Bluff Postcards site.  I'm not sure what's happened to that, or to him.

Caption from Kehilalinks: This wonderful old house at 305 Martin was Mrs. Holmes' Boarding House when the photo was taken in the 1960's. And that's lil' Julia Glover standing out front. The house has since been demolished.

Current view of the same location.  Notice the same tree and small brick retaining wall beneath it.  Also the telephone pole. This property, and the rest of the block east to Pine Street, is owned by a middle-aged couple who live in a one-story, white-painted-brick house that's just out of view to the left. They've made this 2/3 of the block into a very attractive and large flower and shrub garden.

This is just to the right (east) of the previous photo. To complete this set, here's another photo, taken on August 8, 2021, of the remaining part of the garden area, to the east of the above photo. I was standing at the corner of Martin Avenue (called Martin Place in the old days) and Pine Street when I took this photo:

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

June Freeman's 7-10-1965 birthday


Gretchen, June, Andy, me, and David Freeman at June's birthday party. Photo most likely taken by Ed Freeman. I was 10 years old, same age as Andy. I guess I was visiting him that day and it happened to be June's birthday. I visited June this past Sunday, July 11, 2021.  She's 93.  Ed recently died