Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hi, lonesome

Howarey'all?  Good I hope, and well, too.  Lonesome ain't so bad most of the time.

What we have above is Congress Avenue and Riverside Drive, Austin '92 or early '93.

And here, below, my right hand focusing the Radio Shack stylus inspection magnifier (used to check the condition of the "needle" on a turntable) on a page of Ian Lawrie's excellent book, A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics, copyright 1991. This is also a late '92 or early '93 photo, taken at my desk in my garage apartment that was on the lower level of a split-level house at 1021 Bonham Terrace in Austin. Very nice place. Small, with just one room and a kitchen, but just what I required at the time. It faced (I hope still faces) Kenwood Road and the greenbelt area across the road. Once a big python or similar snake crossed the road from the greenbelt, with bluejays harrassing it all the way. I didn't know for sure it wasn't some kind of poisonous snake so I left it alone. The only problem was, it then went into the basement door of 1021 Bonham Terrace, the door right next to my apartment. I was a bit worried about it, and made some calls, but to no avail. A married couple lived above me and owned the house. I told the guy about it, and we went in the basement together. Didn't find the snake. He told me not to tell his wife about the snake. I didn't. Everybody didn't live happily ever after, but it wasn't the snake's fault.