Sunday, December 15, 2013

Trulock Brothers Christmas 1963, NaNa, Zeke

Our last Christmas at the farm.  Arch was born on October 23rd of that year.  Apparently, another person (probably our dad) was taking a picture from the left (your left).  This one was taken by our maternal grandmother, Elner King Miller.  We called her NaNa, pronounced Na-Naw.  That's her in the picture below, visiting Hawaii in 1973. The date, not quite visible in the top right corner, is June 6, 1973.  That's exactly one year after the sudden death (stroke or heart attack) of my paternal grandmother, Frances Andrews Trulock.  We called her MiMi. 

And this is Steven's dog Zeke (1974-1986) wearing a pair of Mother's rose-colored glasses in the yard at the River House, probably in 1980 or 81.  Steven brought Zeke back from a trip to Florida he made after he graduated from high school in 1974.  Apparently Marc Cronin and Buddy Brown, also native Pine Bluffians, were in Florida at that time, too, since they later came back to Arkansas with Zeke's brothers, Strider and Prince.  Steven hitchhiked back from Florida sometime in June of '74 (when I was taking the physics class at UALR) with his new puppy.