Friday, June 20, 2014

19th birthday photos

Okay, since I have 1974 and 1972 photos of myself posted below, I figured I'd go ahead and post this 1973 photo, too.  Plus the one of my father (below).  These were taken by my maternal grandmother on my 19th birthday, with her Pocket Instamatic camera.  The setting is 24 East Palisades Drive, in Little Rock, where my family lived for about a year.  When this photo was taken we were in the process of starting to move back to our house at 4006 Cherry Street in Pine Bluff.  I assume we had to move back because the house had been on the market a year and hadn't sold.  We could not afford to continue to live on East Palisades without selling the Pine Bluff house.  So, I guess the Palisades house was put up for sale and sold pretty quickly.  I'd lived with Steven that summer at the Riverhouse that was then about four years old, built by our paternal grandparents on lots they developed along the Arkansas River north of Pine Bluff.  I worked for Island Harbor Marina [big Jim Danaher] that summer, and Steven worked on the farm.  Our paternal grandfather had died that April. That's one of his shirts I'm wearing.  Daddy, 51 years old, is in front of the portrait of his great-grandfather, N. B. Trulock, sitting at a large circular dining room table that had belonged to N. B. 
The portrait and the table are now in the possession of my brother Greg and his family, in a house on Hearthside Drive not far from the one on Palisades Drive. Even though the split-level Palisades house had floor-to-ceiling windows on the front (or back, whichever it was called) with a deck and a great view of the Arkansas River far below, I didn't care much for it, and was spending my first year at Hendrix College in '72-'73 so I didn't really live there.  I was glad we moved back to the house in Pine Bluff.