Friday, September 12, 2014

Stop signs and dashboard hula girl

Stop how many times?  This is the gated entrance to the Pine Bluff Street Department's "old yard," which has a couple of German Shepherds wandering around inside at night (notice the pictorial "beware of dogs" sign).  The big dumpster seems to contradict the No Dumping sign, but it was actually a dumpster for glass collection.  When I was the Recycling Center manager, I'd use a forklift to empty the plastic gaylords full of glass bottles into the dumpster.   I attached a chain to the gaylord so I could pull it back out after it was empty.  Sort of an improvised operation, but it enabled recycling of glass in Pine Bluff. 

This is the dashboard hula girl I brought David Matthews (at his request) from Lahaina, Maui, in 2008.  Trulock farmland visible in background