Thursday, August 3, 2023

My supermoon photo (not super)

 August 1 supermoon over Auto Zone, to be compared with previous moon over Auto Zone photo. I saw the supermoon rise north of Pine Bluff, with a clear eastern horizon, near the Arkanasas River, and tried to take a photo but without a telephoto lens, so it was just a dot of a moon in an otherwise almost totally black photo. At least the mosquitos had barely even come out at the time, 8:50 pm or so. So I came on back in town and thought about just going back to the same place I took a moon photo the night before, after a friend called  and said I should go out and look at the moon. I wasn't even aware then of the coming supermoon.

Behind me and my truck, visible in the sideview mirror, is Underwater Seafood, a good and fairly new restaurant. This was about 9:10 pm, Auto Zone sign had just been turned off.