Friday, January 20, 2017

Pat Calkins' birthday

He liked to say he was "birthday impaired," meaning he didn't remember people's birthdays, but he had a memorable birthday himself, since it's the same day as the U. S. presidential inaugurations every four years.

Pat having breakfast in Fayetteville on July 1, 2015, with Rita and me at Pete's, otherwise known as Ozark Lanes Cafe.  The letterhead stationery is from 1971, when Jim and Pat had a record shop in the back room of The Hut, a hippie haven for buying blacklight posters and incense on Cherry Street in Pine Bluff.  The Hut is still there, and could be considered an old hippie haven now.  It sells smoking accessories and adult novelty items. I'm pretty sure my face turned red when I went in there earlier this year to find out what they were selling.  The kind lady behind the counter told me her mother-in-law bought it 45 years ago from Meigs Brainard, the original owner.