Thursday, March 30, 2017

Living room with desk

I moved my desk into the living room-dining room area so I'd start using it more, which I actually have done.  But I still mainly sit at the cluttered dining room table.  There's a 5-inch reel-to-reel tape playing on the Pioneer RT-1050 with my 1970 segued song collection on it. I used a regular 7-inch reel to record the first side of the 1970 collection ("side" meaning one side of a 90 minute cassette tape, which corresponds to one 7-inch reel tape running at 7.5 inches per second), but Radio Shack only had one of those so I used two 5-inch Radio Shack blank tapes to record the second side.  I used the reel tapes as master tapes and made copies onto cassettes to send out to family and friends. Yeh, I still use the reel-to-reel and even got adapters so I can play or record on 10-inch reels (the professional size) but alas have nothing currently that I want to record.