Friday, August 16, 2013

More Maui photos

Above:  the wharf in front of the Pioneer Inn.  Below:  Pat and Jessica, the masseuse who had given me a massage earlier in the day.  This is also in the area of the wharf, where various booths selling stuff are located, but the booths were mostly closed at night.  Oh, yeh, Pat has his hand on his black "English Lab" named Blue.

 Above:  Rachel and me at the Hyatt Hotel's Luau.  She's one of several young women who were vacationing from Dublin, Ireland who were renting rooms at Pat's Place.  Below:  That's Rachel's brother on her right and a friend of his next to Pat in front, and Donita in the bow tie.  For more info, see my Maui journal writings at my Ink On His Face blog.