Wednesday, August 6, 2014

More Summer of '64 photos

Back in 1964 there was still a ferry that crossed the Arkansas River between Dumas (on the south side of the river) and Gillett (north side).  It was called Pendleton Ferry and operated until 1971, when the present bridge opened.  Here are Jeff, Steven and me on the ferry in the June or July of '64.  Or is that supposed to be Jeff, Steven and I?  The car doesn't look like ours, or even a model I recognize.  Jeff has his own camera in his hand.  Steven seems to be holding on to part of the car with his right hand.  I have my usual slouchy posture.

That same summer we went to Six Flags (near Ft. Worth).  Here's Greg at the petting zoo, after he just let go of a lamb he'd been hugging (as shown in another photo I didn't like as much as this one).  I don't know who the girl is behind him.

And here's Arch in the library at 4006 Cherry Street sometime after the Six Flags trip:

These are from the same roll of film, labeled June 1964 and developed in July of '64.  There are two slides taken at Arkansas Post in the same roll, not worth reproducing here.  We must have stopped there after crossing Pendleton Ferry going north.