Tuesday, July 29, 2014

4006 Cherry Street in 1964

Here are three photos taken by my father in 1964 at our house on Cherry in Pine Bluff, which we had just moved into early that year.  The area around the house changed a lot over the years we lived in it:  the fence and hedge (not shown) that ran along the front of the front yard next to the sidewalk and street were removed, we built a brick patio in the back of the house, a brick wall bordering the patio on the south side next to the driveway, and in the late seventies, a carport and another driveway on the north side of the house.  Here are a couple of photos of the house as it looked from the south side in the early part of 1964, the first being just after the house was remodeled, lacking even grass in the yard:

And the second one showing the garage and former servant quarters, our two cars, somebody's bicycle, and Steven or me on a different bike at the rightmost edge of the photo:

The third photo, from the summer of '64, shows all five Trulock brothers and our friends who were visiting from Ohio:  Kitty, Emily and Beau Murphree,  Mother and Carolyn (Trimble) Murphree were roommates in college, and in the early 1950s were roommates again or at least friends in New York City when Carolyn met her future husband Idus (grad philosophy student at Columbia), and Mother and Daddy (grad international relations student at Columbia)  got together again after their 1948 divorce. They eventually remarried (1952), and that's how my brothers and me came to be.  In the late fifties and early sixties, our family and the Murphrees vacationed together numerous times at Pensacola Beach.  Which reminds me that I haven't posted any of those Pensacola photos here yet.

Left to right:  Arch, Jeff, Emily, Beau, Greg, Kitty, Steven, David.  I'm not even gonna say anything about this being 50 years ago.