Saturday, December 26, 2015

50 years ago: My first duck

I hope to be able to scan this so that it looks better and shows the whole slide. You can't see the single shot .410 shotgun on my right because I couldn't get the scanner to scan the whole slide. The gun was my big Christmas present that year, when I was 11. Also, you can't see Steven poking his head up over the top of the car, by standing on the front bumper, thus getting himself in the (original) photo.

I can't tell if the photo was taken at Drakes Landing (which we called the Duck Camp) or at Cherry Street, but most likely I wouldn't have brought the duck home in this condition.  It normally would be plucked and gutted and wrapped in white freezer paper at the Camp.

Nosey of course is the curious dog in the photo. The car is Daddy's car, a 4-door, vinyl-topped, LTD. The license has a "2" on it because at the time Jefferson county was the second most populous county, next to Pulaski.  The 1959 just happens to be the sequential number of the plate, nothing to do with the year 1959.  The year the license was issued is shown above the license number:  "Arkansas 65".

Here's a lightened-up version, but I still wasn't able to scan the full photo:

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dogs, present and passed

 This one is a double-exposure slide, taken by my father in 1966 at our Cherry Street house, of our beagle named Nosey.  He was later exiled to life on the Trulock farm after biting a bicycle rider on Cherry Street. Beagles aren't supposed to chase or bite.  Nosey did.  My grandfather always called him Snoopy instead of Nosey.
This is a picture I took earlier this year of Mollie, Rita's beagle.  This chair originally belonged to Rita's great aunt in Dermott.
 A picture Rita took of Mollie.
 My dog Jessie on the floor by the bed in my back bedroom a few years ago.
 Jessie again, at the farm early this year or late last year.
One of the last photos I took of Jessie, in the dining room at my house about six months ago.  She died of a sudden heart weakness or similar acute circulation problem over the course of the day (and two visits to the vet) on October 12.

Photos except Nosey were taken with non-smart phones.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Forrest Park Rangers 1965

Coach Tommy Bailey on the left.  Don't know the other coach's name. Cheerleaders: Margaret Lundy, Cindy Wooten, Marti Bellingrath, Jane McGeorge.  So many familiar faces I can't quite identify!  But I’ll start with the back row, and try to name as many as possible.  I’ve been in touch with Robbie McClaran ( recently and thanks to him, I now have more names to put in. He also pointed out that Southwood Elementary had players on the Forrest Park team. If you see wrong identifications or can supply names I don’t have already, let me know!  Update November 2016: Names appearing in red were supplied recently by Phillip McNulty, tentatively. He suggested the player I identified as Frankie Wilson is actually Liam Waddle (first row).

Row 4:  me, David Meyers, Doug Clary, Bill Owen, Jim Kennedy, Grant Norwood, Mike Galster, Lee Smart, Curt (or Kurt) Patton, Dennis (Clegg) May, Sieg Johnson, Steve McIntyre, Burt Locke.

Row 3:  Scotty Mims, Greg Price, Bill Bodie, Mike Hart, George Puddephatt, Chuck Barrett, John (or Jimmy?) Sweatt, Pat Calkins, Mark Barrett?, ?, John Talbot?, ?.

Row 2:  ?, ?, Otis Lundy, Doug Tharp, George Baker?, Mike Tracy, Roger Smart, Steven Trulock, Meigs Brainard, ?, John Hooker?, Scott Heirs?, Chuck Sudduth, Bill Shepherd.

Row 1:  ?, Ralph Smith, Robbie McClaran, Richard Taylor?, Jimmy Achorn, Margaret, Cindy, Marti, Jane, Mike Joseph?, Frankie Wilson?, ?, Hyman Turpin, David Lee.  

Mike Tracy is in there somewhere, not sure which one. I would expect that Mark and Lane Townsend should be in there, and don't know why they aren't, unless they waited until they were older to start playing football?

Whether it was Steven or me who circled some people’s faces and put the X on Marti, I don’t recall, and don’t know what for, either.  Marti did go to girls’ prep school after the 8th grade and thus was no longer in the Pine Bluff School system.  Also I had a crush on her in that grade and tried to flirt with her, to no avail. But being that young, I don’t think I’d even be looking at an “old” picture from the 6th grade, much less marking on it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Trulock bros as football fans, Little Rock '65

Four Trulock brothers, in front of our grandmother's house in Little Rock. In order of ascending age: Arch, Greg, Steven, David.  You can see that I have an injured middle finger on my left hand.  It came from playing football!  Or trying to play.  During practice with the Forrest Park Rangers, when I was trying to catch a pass, a bone in my finger got chipped.  That was the extent of my school-related football activity.  I sat out the rest of the season, which was okay with me. I would not have gotten to play, anyway, except in the last game of the season "under the lights" at the high school field, when every team member got to play.  I don't recall if I really wanted to play in that game or not.  I think not!  Steven, who was also on the team like me for only one year, got to play under the lights, and made one spectacular tackle, stopping the guy with the ball who was about to make a touchdown.  My only claim to fame from that football season was the metal finger brace on my middle finger.  It really stood out when I had my left hand on the handlebar of my bicycle.  Kind of showed my opinion of the Forrest Park football program at the time.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Greg's third birthday, Arch as baby, 1963

Top photo: David, Lynne, Greg (blowing out candles), Jeff, Steven (empathizing with blowing out candles), and our grandmother, Francis Andrews Trulock.  Late November 1963.

Bottom photo: Arch, two months old, December 1963.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

NM & AZ October 2003 Set # 5

Above and below: posing on the edge of a not-so-grand canyon north of the Grand Canyon.
Mr. Peabody's coal train done hauled it away.

Friday, October 9, 2015

NM & AZ October 2003 Set #4

 On the road to Grand Canyon, after Flagstaff.
 Parking lot behind convenience store and gift shop, last stop before El Canyone Grande.
 Same rainbow as previous shot.  I bought a silver necklace for my niece Amanda for her 16th birthday at the gift shop where this rainbow showed up.
End of the rainbow, beginning of Grand Canyon.

This last shot was the first I took after we left the Grand Canyon.

Friday—breakfast precipitated an argument over his fixing of pancakes while I was in the shower after I’d already eaten a PBJ sandwich. Left campsite fairly late, drove highway 180.  Had a big, late breakfast around 1 p.m. after we got on the road, at the Crown Railroad CafĂ© in or near Flagstaff.  Biscuits, gravy, eggs, hashbrowns. Total for two meals $12.07. Janice was our waitress.  Huge model train set not working.  We drove on to Grand Canyon, bought some stuff at grocery store (just strawberries for me). Clouds in canyon started clearing when we got there.  Desert View campground dark, rainy, wet, wet, wet.  Lost our reserved campsite to interloper, but got a better one and had small dinner at our new campsite. Just chips, salsa, and beer for me.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

NM & AZ October 2003 Set #3

After driving through the aforementioned small towns in Arizona, we made a stop in Sedona to get groceries. Extremely touristy. Camped near Sedona that night, then drove on to Flagstaff, where there's a small observatory at Northern Arizona University. This is a good time to give a summary of food eaten up to this point on the trip, since it also gives a travelogue of places:

Monday, first road meal—pancakes at  truck stop near Johnson City. Second “meal” was peanut butter & crackers and other stuff we’d brought with us at a windy-as-hell rest stop near Fort Stockton.  Next meal was at Crossroads CafĂ© in Hurley, NM.

Tuesday—breakfast of bacon & eggs at our Lower Scorpion Campsite. Lunch was apparently a snack, don’t recall what. Dinner was at the Cottonwoods campground, our own camp-made spaghetti. Plus maybe a salad, beer to drink for me, don’t know what JKW was drinkin’.

Wednesday—PBJ at campsite before leaving, then pancakes, etc, at Bear Wallow CafĂ©, Alpine, AZ.  Road food later—snacks, and fighting, around Payson.  Dinner was hamburgers and fries cooked at our Cave Springs campsite near Sedona.

Thursday—not much for breakfast since we packed up & moved to better campsite in same campground. Drove into Sedona, got food for dinner and $ at Basha’s.  Dinner was grilled tuna steak (me) and regular steak (JKW), mashed potatoes, and BBQ beans with onion slices on the side.

 Store employee taking break in Sedona.
Highway out of Sedona.
Remember that bear warning...?
Cave Springs campsite, the better one.
Heron near our Cave Springs campsite
Campfire with our chairs.

Northern Arizona University observatory.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

NM & AZ October 2003 Set #2

Tuesday:  Gila Nat’l Forest, Apache Nat’l Forest (camped there). Wednesday: On into Arizona: Alpine, Eager, Macnary, Hon Dah, Show Low, Fools Hollow, Heber, Forest Lakes, Kohl’s Ranch, Payson, Strawberry. Left Highway 87, got on Nat’l Park Road #3 between Happy Jack and Flagstaff, near Mormon lake Village.  Camped at Cave Springs campground in Oak Springs Rec Area.

The photos below were taken with my Pentax K-1000, except for the one showing Wooley, aka, JKW, at Continental Divide sign. 

In order of appearance:  JKW relaxing at Lower Scorpion campsite in Gila National Forest; a Mogollon Cliff Dwelling; info about the cliff dwellings; info about bears; a sun-soaking lizard; going over the great divide in Gila Nat'l Forest;  going into Arizona; and a cow bone beside National Park Highway #3 (Lake Mary Highway) near Mormon Lake Village.