This one is a double-exposure slide, taken by my father in 1966 at our Cherry Street house, of our beagle named Nosey. He was later exiled to life on the Trulock farm after biting a bicycle rider on Cherry Street. Beagles aren't supposed to chase or bite. Nosey did. My grandfather always called him Snoopy instead of Nosey.
Photos except Nosey were taken with non-smart phones.
This is a picture I took earlier this year of Mollie, Rita's beagle. This chair originally belonged to Rita's great aunt in Dermott.
A picture Rita took of Mollie.
My dog Jessie on the floor by the bed in my back bedroom a few years ago.
Jessie again, at the farm early this year or late last year.
One of the last photos I took of Jessie, in the dining room at my house about six months ago. She died of a sudden heart weakness or similar acute circulation problem over the course of the day (and two visits to the vet) on October 12.Photos except Nosey were taken with non-smart phones.