Saturday, December 26, 2015

50 years ago: My first duck

I hope to be able to scan this so that it looks better and shows the whole slide. You can't see the single shot .410 shotgun on my right because I couldn't get the scanner to scan the whole slide. The gun was my big Christmas present that year, when I was 11. Also, you can't see Steven poking his head up over the top of the car, by standing on the front bumper, thus getting himself in the (original) photo.

I can't tell if the photo was taken at Drakes Landing (which we called the Duck Camp) or at Cherry Street, but most likely I wouldn't have brought the duck home in this condition.  It normally would be plucked and gutted and wrapped in white freezer paper at the Camp.

Nosey of course is the curious dog in the photo. The car is Daddy's car, a 4-door, vinyl-topped, LTD. The license has a "2" on it because at the time Jefferson county was the second most populous county, next to Pulaski.  The 1959 just happens to be the sequential number of the plate, nothing to do with the year 1959.  The year the license was issued is shown above the license number:  "Arkansas 65".

Here's a lightened-up version, but I still wasn't able to scan the full photo: