Saturday, May 1, 2021

Tom Gibson, Andy Freeman, and me PBHS 1971

 This was probably a school assembly during the day rather than a basketball game at night, judging from the facial expressions. Also I don't think I went to any basketball games when I was in high school. The location is McFadden Field House (the gym), one of the still-surviving buildings from the time I was at Pine Bluff High School. The year is likely 1971, in the early fall.  The people I recognize are the front row people: Tommy Gibson, a member of the school paper's editorial staff, Andy Freeman, photographer for the PBHS annual, and myself, co-editor (with Stephanie Callaway) of the school paper, the Pine Cone. The teacher  behind me looks like Mrs.Marie Chandler.  I don't recognize the others in the photo. Andy sent me the photo yesterday, after I asked him by email about any old photos he might have. He didn't know who took it.