Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Costa Rican kids April 1974

Shoeshine boys in San Isidro, the only city we stayed in on our way from San Jose to the dock on the Sierpe River where we boarded an open boat to go to Cano Island.

Our rental car was a Corvair ("unsafe at any speed" said Ralph Nader).  These were country kids at one place we where stopped briefly on the way to our river rendezvous.

I don't know how the lines in the above photo came about, but it's the way they were printed, not because of later damage.  Could have been the film was damaged by being x-rayed in San Salvador or in Managua.  Soldiers and high-security and maybe some paranoia were present in both those airports on our stopovers back to New Orleans from San Jose.  In San Salvador for some reason our departure flight was delayed, and the airline put on a big outdoor luncheon for us at a nice hotel, maybe a Hilton.   I have two photos of the outdoor food buffet.  They'll be posted at the end of this Costa Rican trip photo series.