Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Teresa and me water skiing, 1972

Late May 1972.  Teresa Young and me water skiing at Greer's Ferry lake.  I'm wearing cut-offs of some kind, she's wearing a bikini but not an itsy bitsy one. The company my dad worked for, Dabbs Sullivan & Trulock,  had a house on the lake that we seldom went to.  This trip was just after my high school graduation and just before I went to work for the summer at the Pine Bluff Commercial (newspaper).  Teresa and I broke up during the summer, got back together, and broke up again in late November. I was "away at college" at Hendrix College in Conway (75 miles from Pine Bluff) and didn't have a car that first semester, but had still managed to get back and see her fairly often.  At first we also wrote each other, and sent our letters by airmail until her mother informed us there was no airmail between Conway and Pine Bluff.  We got together again in the early part of '73, but broke up again in only a month. And that was it--well, for the 1970s.  We got together again in 1989, after she'd been divorced several times and Karen Jo and I were in the process of getting a divorce.  I lived in Austin but moved back to Arkansas for about six months in '89, then back to Austin. I saw Teresa on my trips back home, and was in Little Rock the whole summer of 1991, spending most of my free time with her.  After I went back to Austin we kept in contact. Her birthday is July 9, which is also the birthday of her son Jason, who was born in 1976.  She also has a daughter, Brittney, born in April 1980, and a son named John, born in 1987.  Post Script:  I'm sad to report that Teresa died on September 23, 2014.