Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Trulock Brothers Easter 1972

This is Easter 1972, on the patio at 4006 Cherry Street.  So the photo of Steven and me below that I thought was Easter '72 must be some other Sunday in '72.  Left to right: Steven, Arch, David, Jeff, Greg.  I believe the cocker spaniel is Joe Cocker.  The question would then be, is it Joe Cocker I or Joe Cocker II?  We also had at different times cocker spaniels named  Honey Frost I and Honey Frost II.  The dogs didn't last as long as our cat named Caramel (not pictured) who finally died of old age (about 20 years old, maybe even 22) in the late eighties or early nineties. At the time of the photo, Steven was in the 10th grade, I was in the 12th grade, and Jeff was a freshman at Westminster College. The three of us were soon to wear our hair parted down the middle--Jeff for just a few months, me for about a year, and Steven for a couple of years.  Steve, the singer-songwriter brother, looked good with his hair parted in the middle. Jeff and I didn't. For that matter our hair looks pretty bad at this stage also.